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Route & Crew

2019 Southern Chile Crew: “Vikingos, Chilote, Colombiano”— Scottsman (USA), Chepe (Colombia), Barbosa (USA), Diego (Chile)


Diego and Rosé joined as crew through a series of events and passages through portals. At the very core of Diego lies a deep connection with nature, the sea and the history of Southern Chile’s sailing culture. After meeting originally at a sailors gathering on a friends island, Diego needed someone to take care of Rosé while he went to work in Greece at a naval architect museum. Of course, we naturally offered to help. Captain Peanut and Chonchito were quite happy to have another furry friend to run around with.


Will came along as we were preparing for our sail from Ecuador to Rapa Nui (Isla de Pascua/Easter Island). We met originally for a few days while in Panama through Derek. He came fishing with us one day and was hooked. Being an avid deep sea angler, he’s a natural on the sea. A woodsman, cowboy, bow hunter and has been known to love cucumbers. It’s always been a dream of his to live out on that endless blue horizon.


Panama 2017: Linda (Albania), Chepe (Colombia), Scottsman (USA), Barbosa (USA)


Linda had just finished her time crewing on another sailboat when we met in Panama. She was searching for another boat to help crew and continue sailing. Well…it has been wonderful having her onboard. First off, she's a fantastic cook. We love good food and she kills it. She spent over 15 years in Italy learning that passion of hers. And the kids love all the runs she took them on.

Derek is a buddy of ours from the states, he grew up in wild Alaska. Now in California and living that rat race life of 9-5 (or in his case with working in the film industry: 4am-midnight) and needless to say was ready for a cool change. He came in the middle of our refit while CC was on the hard getting ready for her bottom paint and to finish up with the decks. He was a huge help there, he sanded, painted, worked on our engine and sweat and bled with us. But the reward for putting in hard work is always a good payoff. He enjoyed his time with us exploring the islands of San Blas and Panama, helping us through the canal. You're always welcome brotha!


We met Chepe in Santa Marta, Colombia. He was our guide through the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and a few other adventures while staying in Santa Marta. He quickly became one of our buddies and ended up sailing with us up the coast to anchor and stay overnight at Bahia Concha. He was a natural out there. When Sev left us to start his journey back to Germany, we had an open bunk. Chepe was the perfect candidate for that bunk.

J.C. Is our Panamaniac buddy we met while exploring Bonaire. He's a dive instructor/SCUBA guide, island guide and small business owner. Ambitious right? Well he came onboard in Cartagena, Colombia and helped work on CC in her final stages of the refit. His high energy and positive outlook on life were really helpful and uplifting as we worked on CC. Growing up in Panama, he naturally became our Panamanian activity coordinator.


Yv joined us while we worked on CC in Cartagena, Colombia. We originally met Yv while in Suriname…the second time around. She and a colleague (seeing as they’re doctors and all) went through our medical supplies and first aid kits to make sure we were up to date and better organized. She sailed with us through the San Blas and to the Panama Canal. She's a wonderful light spirited Dutchie and helped with the work on CC as well as kept the kids (the animals) happy and occupied while we worked away on CC. Thank you Yv!


Bonaire 2017: Severin (Germany), Para (Brazil), Bear (USA), Chonchito (Suriname), Scottsman (USA), Peanut (USA), Barbosa (USA)

Here's Bear, this is Barbosa’s 13 yr. old godson. He joined us for his summer break and sailed with us from Suriname to Grenada and then to Bonaire. He'd never been blue water sailing before let alone out of the U.S. So, needless to say, he had an amazing time meeting the people of such drastically different backgrounds. Once back in the U.S., Bear told us that some of his friends and even teachers did not believe some of his recent adventures.


Curaçao 2017: Severin (Germany), Para (Brazil), Barbosa (USA), Peanut (USA), Scottsman (USA) and Chonchito (Suriname)


This is Sev. He loves Snickers Bars and climbing things. We met Sev deep in the muddy river jungles of French Guyana and right away knew he was a fit. Never been sailing before but he fell fast and hard for the life.


The Original Boys, USA—Captain Barbosa, Scottsman, Bru

Andrew, or Bru as we called him, is originally from Michigan. He found his passion for the sea probably about the time he moved to Oregon. Not having much sailing experience, he learned quite a bit the first year out with us. He has a good eye behind the camera too being a DP and photographer by trade. Barbosa and Bru met working together in Australia, he took Bru out sailing for the first time and the rest was history. He now owns a Cape Dory and is making sailing plans himself.

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